Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Update on Tina's Appointment

Good Morning,

It is with a bit of a heavy heart that I write this post today. As you know yesterday was the appointment with the Neurologist. Well, we didn't quite get what we were expecting (not that I really knew what to expect). He said that I do have some nerve impairment in the left leg, in fact he could get no reflex from my ankle at all, and my knee response was less than what he had gotten in the right leg. He said that due to all the Staph-MRSA infections that I've had in the last 3 months, that he could not do surgery. He said that I was assured to get an infection just from the incision alone, since I seem to get them without even being cut or scratched. So, for the time being he has referred me to Rehab Therapy/Pain Management doctor. I don't care what they do, but I just want to be rid of the pain. I feel like I could even go back to work if I didn't have this ridiculous pain that makes even getting a shower difficult! So once again I am back in a holding pattern, waiting on the Neurologist to call with my appointment to the new doctor and all I hope is that it is not 4 weeks away! Please pray that they can see me this week yet. I would love to feel even the slightest relief from all this pain.

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