Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Start of the Weekend

Good Saturday Morning,

Our weekend started at 7:00 AM to the blaring alarm clock, and another band competition. Today's competition is very close to home, right next door practically in Carroll County. Which makes the day a bit shorter for band, and a welcome relief as the temperatures today will be in the 90's once again. Band uniforms and 90 degree weather don't really go hand in hand! Russell has already left to take Darryl to the High School and help get them ready to go. Russell and Rachel will be getting ready to leave again at 11:00. He and Rachel have to pick-up the pizzas for the band (the Band Boosters always feed our kids lunch on competition day), and then go up and feed the kids, and then head for the competition. We perform at 2:30 today. It is killing me that I can't be in the "middle" of this exciting chaos! Instead Isaac and I will be at home. Isaac has to work on his room today, as he has managed to scatter Lego's, soldiers, train pieces and Lincoln logs all about his room, not to mention the numerous socks (no wonder he has so many mismatched socks)! He has to work on his room before the neighbor boy (also named Isaac, who is Rachel's age) can come over and play. I called to see if I could "hire" him to help with Isaac this afternoon, as it is really hard to try and keep up with him when the weather permits him to be outside. He has always been able to move faster than me, but now he really goes faster than me.

I continue to heal from the face infection and now am growing more apprehensive about Tuesday and the Neurology appointment. On Friday, Russell picked up the actual "films" of my MRI and the written report. I should have never read the report, now I am trying to figure out exactly what it says and what some of the information means.....please pray that all goes well on Tuesday.

I'll try to get another post out here tomorrow to let you know how we did at the competition, if I don't it is because I am not able to sit upright long enough to type a post.

Hope you all have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Les said...

How I remember band uniforms and the heat! We had people pass out! Jared has this sock issue also.
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