Saturday, August 16, 2008

Week in Review..........

Good Morning Gentle Readers,

We have had a great week! The kids have had a good week of school, no incidents so far. Packing everyone's lunch is going well so far, I am sure they will get tired of having some of the same old things, but it is a lot cheaper than school lunch!

We have discovered that our weekly schedule will go something like this.....Monday, Wednesday and Friday - Rachel and Darryl will have marching band from 3:30-5:30; Rachel will also have Chorus after school until 4:30; Monday evening Isaac has Cub Scouts; Tuesday are Church Choir, once a month Band Booster meeting, then once basketball starts, Rachel will have games. Wednesday are youth group - 6:00-8:30 (I will be there the entire time, as I will be leading the elementary level youth and Jr. High). Thursday's will be basketball again, and in the evening is Boy Scouts for Darryl....and Friday's will be home football games!!! For those of you that really know me, know how much I love high school football, so of course, the Mom will be at every home game, plus she has a job to do, sell things for the Band Booster and most likely work the concession stand occasionally for the Sports Boosters.

Rachel had a friend sleepover last night and we are soon off to get our manicures! Some quality Mother/Daughter time!!

Well.....I must close as we need to leave in about 10 minutes. I will be back later this weekend!


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