Monday, July 21, 2008

An Update..........

Well, the last week and a half has been another crazy one............

We made it to Iowa (after a 2 hour delay - thanks to the Mississippi River and havoc that the flooding caused). Russell and I enjoyed our "night out" on Friday in Champaign, IL. We visited the book store and indulged ourselves in a couple of good books and then a tasty dinner out. We were going to go for a swim at the hotel, but we laid down to watch a bit of TV and were out like a light for the night. The auction took place on Saturday and for the most part the weather cooperated. There was a good turnout according the records and all items that needed to sell, sold. It was a bit sad saying goodbye for one last time, only to know that the next time I returned to Packwood, IA 200 N. Church Street would no longer be the home that both my Mom and Daddy treasured. Thanks for all the prayers, my family and friends - without all of you I would not have been able to be as strong as I was.

It is good to have everyone back home and be back to our summer routine. Last week Brooke visited us for a few days and everyone had a good time. Rachel & I took her shopping to get her "stocked" up with back to school clothes and had a blast. The girls even ended up wanting matching p.j.'s and shirts. Please continue to keep Brooke in your prayers - she needs us to keep on loving her and supporting her, even if from afar. She was with us for only 2 years, but left a lasting impression on all our hearts and will forever be a part of our family!

The week came and went, and the weekend was relaxing and enjoyable. Isaac had a birthday party to attend for one of his friends (we didn't even realized he lived so close). He had a great time and even stayed after the party to play. He hasn't ever really had a friend, especially one that lived so close - a draw back to living in the country. The boy's parents are really nice people and loved having Isaac. Next is our turn to reciprocate and have him over for a play date - but that will have to wait until we get back from vacation.

Yes - we are going on a vacation!!!! I so cannot wait. We have not gone away as a family for several days for a few years now. We are leaving Friday bright and early for Gatlinburg, TN! One of my most favorite places (plus it holds a dear place in my heart, as it was on a trip to Gatlinburg with the love of my life that we decided we didn't want to live without the other one)! We are going to be spending time with my brother-in-law Brad, Sister-in-Law, Glenda. nephew Brian and Brian's cousin. Originally the boys were suppose to camp while the girls got to stay in the hotel. But like all good plans, they sometimes get altered just as ours has. Now everyone is going to stay in the hotel - we are looking forward to the time away and time to spend with family! We won't be home until Monday evening. While there I get to do a fair amount of shopping - even looking for accessories to go with my new Vera Bradley purse that I received for my birthday - I can hardly wait!

I am hoping to have lots of pictures to post - as I am not only taking my camera, but Rachel's too! Her camera with the memory card can hold over 150 photos. Plus if needed we will have the laptop with us, so I can always download and keep on clicking!

We still don't have a band director - we are praying that we have one by the beginning of school! School is just a few weeks away for our children - 2 of the 3 aren't ready to go back. For those of you that really know our children, I'm sure you can figure out who is ready, and has been ready to go back.

I'm signing off for now, as I have to work on getting my clothes ironed for work tomorrow and my work laundry in the washer (the only thing I'm responsible for washing). I want to be close to being completely packed so that when I come home on Thursday, all we have to do is the finishing touches. I want to be up and out of the house by 6:30 AM - my family thinks I'm nuts, but I am too excited to wait much longer. We have had a few bumps and hills to climb so far this year and this is a much deserved trip for our entire family!

I'll post when we get home from vacation - unless I find a minute to give you all a quick update from beautiful Gatlinburg!

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