Saturday, January 17, 2009

Latest Happennings

I hadn't realized how long it has been since I updated our blog.......oops! I guess the old saying, time flies is applicable here.

The kids have since returned to school and back to normal routines. Report cards for the 1st semester have been received. All in all not bad! Everyone of them improved most of their grades (this is a first). While Isaac can read, he could care less about getting a good grade, Rachel still finds pre-algebra a bit of a challenge, and Darryl still finds turning in his assignments a quest like climbing Mt. Everest. The joys of parenting, if that is the worst thing that we have to worry about then we are very lucky and blessed.

This past weekend, I had the honor (or should I say bad luck of the draw) to take Rachel to see Twilight. Russell was going to take her, but he ended up getting that nasty stomach virus a week ago Monday and it lasted well through last Saturday. We were to go to the University of Louisville to the All District Band Concert, so while Darryl was in rehearsal, he and Rachel were going to see the movie. I ended up going and while I won't put it up there in my 10 of movies, it wasn't bad. The concert was great.

Isaac spent last weekend in Cincinnati with Christopher who has been home from college and got to hang out with him and play video games and watch movies. We were surprised at how quite the house is when that special 8 year old little boy is gone! We were happy to have him back home.

I hope all of you are staying warm in this incredibly cold weather. I couldn't believe how cold it has been. Rachel even commented that it must be cold if I am wearing the coat to the car and leaving it on while driving (not something I normally do).

Hope everyone has a good rest of the weekend and stays safe and warm!


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