Sunday, February 8, 2009

Random Thoughts.......

Well since I last posted, we received more snow that caused the kids more snow days last week and we had our power restored on Tuesday!!! I actually cried (for most I'm sure you are not shocked by that), it was such a relief to have electricity. We were actually a whole family again, I really missed having all of our children in the house. Russell did 10 loads of laundry on Wednesday and we are slowly getting the house back to normal. We were very thankful for 50 degree weather this past weekend, it melted the snow and ice that caused all the drama!

I would like to ask for prayers of support. As the one year anniversary of my Daddy's death gets closer, I find myself being so very sad and missing him so much. I guess it has taken me a while to get to this point since I was so sick for so long when he died and the many months after. I really don't think I started to really process it all for a while.

Well, before I go to far down this road, and get all sad again today, I am going to close and take care of the clothes in the dryer, make sure that all the kids are tucked in (with lights off) and I get my exhausted husband into bed.....

So with that I say goodnight from my little corner of the world.


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